European GRASS User's Conference

Carlo van de Rijt carlor at
Fri Feb 12 07:16:28 EST 1993

Fourth European GRASS User's Meeting Genoa, april 2 1993

The fourth annual European GRASS user's meeting will be held on april 2, 1993 in Genoa, 
Italy, one day after the EGIS conference.
The meeting will take place in the AMGA building (Azienda Municipalizzata Gas e Acqua), 
Via SS. Giacomo e Filippo 7, 16122 GENOVA. 

The programme of the meeting will be as follows:

 9.00 - 9.30h:  Registration and welcome
 9.30 -10.00h:  Raymond Venneker (VUA, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands): GIS and
                Bayesian Inference Techniques for Water Balance Mapping.
10.00 -10.30h:  Alberto Buendia (EuroGIS, Madrid, Spain): Detection of Black Spots in the Radio
                Coverage of Spain.
10.30 -11.00h:  Coffee break
11.00 -11.30h:  Per de Vahl (National Telecom Agency of Sweden): Planning of Radio Networks using
11.30 -12.00h:  O. Batelaan (VUB, Free University Brussels, Belgium): Development and Application of
                a Groundwater Model integrated in the GIS GRASS.
12.00 -14.00h:  Lunch and presentations
14.00 -14.30h:  K. Wiesmann (University of M|nster, Germany): Integration of GIS and Modelation
                Software in a "GIS-supported Hydrologic Work Bench".
14.30 -14.45h:  Report GRASS user's Conference Reston (USA), 1993.
14.45 -15.00h:  Anne Lucas (University of Bergen, Norway): GRASS user survey 1993: Who 's Who in
                the European GRASS Community?
15.00 -16.00h:  Plenary meeting of the EGUF.

The conference fee is Dfl. 150,= (Dutch guilders). Attendants of the meeting will receive a 
free CD-ROM of GRASS4.1 (one per organisation). 
Please send in your registration form and payment before march 25, 1993

R.W. Brandt, Stichting RAAP, Plantage Muidergracht 14, 1018 TV AMSTERDAM

The conference fee is to be deposited at the following bankaccount:

Stichting Europe GRASS
The Netherlands



        Organizing Committee 
        GRASS user's meeting Genoa 1993
        ATTN. R.W. Brandt
        Stichting RAAP
        Plantage Muidergracht 14
        1018 TV AMSTERDAM

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