Cancelling Xgrass windows

Bob Courtney courtney at
Fri Feb 26 12:23:10 EST 1993

> I'm having problems with the 'cancel' button which is available with most of
> the text windows which Xgrass produces. This option clears the contents but
> does not close the window. Worse, it subsequently prevents me doing a manual
> close from within the mwm menu. My first problem is presumably to discover
> whether this is a quirk of our system (HP 9000-750; UX 8.0; X11R4; no Ansi).
> Can anyone give some general pointers to what I should be looking for? (I have
> minimal X knowledge). I presume that code for the cancel button is nicely
> encapsulated somewhere. How do I find it?
> -- 
> Conn V Copas
> Loughborough University of Technology          tel : +44 509 263171  ext 4164
> Computer-Human Interaction Research Centre     fax : +44 509 610815      
> Leicestershire  LE11 3TU              e-mail - (Janet):C.V.Copas at   
> G Britain                                      (Internet):C.V.Copas at
I have the same problem on my HP9000/720 ; HPUX 8.07. Any suggestions?

Bob Courtney
Atlantic Geoscience Centre
Bedford Institute of Oceanography

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