Air pollution modelling

Vermeulen A.T. atverm at ecnsun.ECN.NL
Wed Jun 23 03:45:12 EDT 1993

Well, I certainly think that the grass-forum is not the place for discussing a
subject like this. There is a newsgroup on environmental issues. Besides that,
the basic questions you ask can only be answered by thorough studies of the
specialistic field of air pollution modelling. I would at first recommend
the Dutch book 'luchtverontreiniging en weer' for a start. I am sure this
book will be present somewhere at your department.
It depends on the time you have to broaden your knowledge how accurate the
models will be that you can build, on the other hand, the complex field of
air pollution modelling is still young and strongly evolving, a lot of things
are still not yet known and some things will be unknown for a very long time
to come.
So uncertainties in models will exist. It depends on your specific needs
whether you can succeed at this moment to reach a satisfactory result.
There are as you will know also ready-made solutions such as the Pluim-Plus
model from TNO, The Dutch National Model (RIVM) (your department uses this
one for permits) and also a lot of commercial products from Trinity

A.T. Vermeulen (Internet: a.vermeulen at; Phone: (+31)22464194)
Energy Research Foundation, PO Box 1, 1755 ZG  Petten, The Netherlands

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