problems with the installation of grass4.1beta

Greg Olsen olsen at
Sat May 1 13:47:42 EDT 1993

Howdy listers,

I have been having a problem with grass4.1.  When I try to start a 
graphics monitor, I get the following:

Enter name of graphics monitor to start
Enter "list" for a list of known monitors
Enter "list -f" for a list with current status
Hit RETURN to return to menu
> x0
Graphics driver [x0] is already running
Error - Could not complete locking process for monitor <x0>.
Lock file is 
Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
Error - Could not complete locking process for monitor <x0>.
Lock file is 

What does this mean?  x0 is not running.  No monitor is running.
When I list the monitors with list -f, the current status is '??'.


Greg Olsen                      Phone: (212)772-5265
Geology and Geography Dept.     Fax: (212)772-5268
Hunter College                  Internet:olsen at
695 Park Avenue
New york, NY  10016

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