?Digital Political Boundary Sources?

Jeff Olsenholler jeff.olsenholler at ciesin.org
Tue Nov 2 14:17:38 EST 1993

We are trying to create a compendium of sources of digital political
boundaries of countries; provinces, states, etc.; counties, cantons,
etc.; and towns and cities.  We are interested in  any scale, any region,
any time, any (digital) format.  

Any information is appreciated, even if it is a general pointer to
information that may exist.

We have the following FAQs/Guides to Internet sources:

Comp.infosystems.gis FAQ, dated 16 October 1993
Internet guide to earth resources, dated May, 1992
Biologist?s guide to Internet resources, dated 23 August 1993
Sources of Meteorological Data, dated 11 October, 1993.

Thank you,

Jeff Olsenholler
Data Integration Specialist
Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network
Saginaw, Michigan, USA
(517) 797-2657 {voice}     (517) 797-2622 {fax}
jeff.olsenholler at ciesin.org

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