Wish List

Raymond Venneker venn at geo.vu.nl
Wed Oct 6 12:13:44 EDT 1993

caa at noaacrd.colorado.edu writes on Tue Oct  5 16:55:44 1993:

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> their own development.  I for one am relearning C so I can get started on the
> options needed right now (Fortran is somewhat of a hinderance in certain cases).

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O.k., suppose the user community makes a couple of good modifications,
or comes up with new features. But what are the chances it will become
part of the next edition of GRASS? I assume it depends on judgement and
willingness of CERL. I've made modifications to a few programs. However,
it is getting a pain in the neck to make sure they are continued in every
new version/update.


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