v.prune loses attributes ??

Martin Ameskamp ma at informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de
Thu Sep 9 08:18:20 EDT 1993

Hi there

I've just been playing around with vector-to-sites conversion and 
s.surf.idw in order to create a surface from contours (yes, I know about
r.surf.contour). Anyway, in order to reduce the number of points for the first
experiments, I used v.prune on my contour file (~30,000 points) to reduce it
by about 60%, ran v.support (got lots of warnings about matching labels),
v.to.sites, s.out.ascii/s.in.ascii to get sites for the current region only
(any better ideas?) and finally s.surf.idw.
The surface produced by s.surf.idw had some funny holes in it, which made me
examine the intermediate results and so I found out that apparently
v.prune tends to overlook some labels. These tend to be on short lines
that get reduced to nodes only.
Is that accepted behaviour, a bug, a feature??
And am I supposed to do something about the warnings from v.support?
Any hints welcome,


Martin Ameskamp, Inst. f. Informatik I (Computing Dept.)
Kiel University, Olshausenstr. 40, 24118 Kiel, Germany
Fax: ++49 431 8804054, Voice: ++49 431 8804474, 
email: ma at informatik.uni-kiel.d400.de

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