gmake4.1 not found

Joe Plesha root at
Thu Sep 9 18:56:34 EDT 1993

> I just downloaded the upd_pkg.1.cpio from the server, upacked it (following
> the README instructions enclosed) and then couldn't get past the 
> sh because there was no gmake4.1 file in the package.  Can anyone
> tell me how to get around this problem???  Specifically, where is gmake4.1
> or do I have to unpack the unpacked upd_pkg.1.cpio package more???
> Please respond to amante at
> Shane M. Amante

        I've just finished compiling 4.1. I retrieved the update in the
        directory ../release/src. I assumed that the files labeled 
        src.update1.cpio.Z.00* (something like that) are the same files 
        that are in the patch. They seem to be when I compile the code. 
                                        Joe Plesha
                                        jplesha at 

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