Rast & Col : Addition

Davide Frisoni frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de
Wed Feb 9 12:45:00 EST 1994

Hi there,
thanks for suggestions, I try to clear my request.
I want to know what kind of colors appear in a map to build a
reference table to see what does every color means:

colors (a colored box or the name) | labels
yellow				   | italy
red				   | russia
white				   | united states of america
...  				   | ....

I hope that now the problem is more clear, but I think that the solution
is to read directly in the colortable (how was suggested) and then build 
the table.



Davide Frisoni                      |  e-mail(internet):
Forschungsinstitut fuer anwendungs- |  frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de 
orientierte Wissensverarbeitung FAW |
Helmholzstr. 16                     |  Tel.:  +49-731-501 8626 
D-89081 Ulm, Germany                |  FAX:   +49-731-501 999

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