Environmental Variables

Davide Frisoni frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de
Fri Feb 25 05:15:33 EST 1994

Hi grass-users & programmers,
in a C application, I set variables (monitor coordinate and dimension, mapset 
and location) to new values with G__setenv(), but nothing change! :-|
I try to use G_setenv(), that modifies env file, but I have the same result!!:-(
In the second way the env file has modified, then I try to restart G_gisinit():

Could someone help me to change _truely_ the GRASS Environment run-time?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions.:-)


Davide Frisoni                      |  e-mail(internet):
Forschungsinstitut fuer anwendungs- |  frisoni at faw.uni-ulm.de 
orientierte Wissensverarbeitung FAW |
Helmholzstr. 16                     |  Tel.:  +49-731-501 8626 
D-89081 Ulm, Germany                |  FAX:   +49-731-501 999

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