dbxtool (not really a grass question)

Simon Cox simon at artemis.earth.monash.edu.au
Fri Jan 21 10:37:33 EST 1994

We are running Sparcs under SunOs 4.1.2 and 4.1.3
Until we installed 4.1.3 on the machine that serves all the
Openlook stuff, we had a satisfactory openlook version of
dbxtool running.  Granted it had "demo" in the title bar,
but it performed fine for me.  Now we only have the sunview
dbxtool, which is a pain to use in the openlook environment.
DOes anyone know what is going on here, and where we should
look to retrieve a useful version of dbxtool?

Simon Cox
      __  L     Dr Simon Cox			
   ,~'  L_|\    VIEPS Department of Earth Sciences, 
,-'         \   Monash University, Clayton Vic 3168        
(            \  Australia
\    ___     /          Phone +61 3 905 5762
 L,~'   "\_x/           Fax   +61 3 905 5062
           u    simon at artemis.earth.monash.edu.au

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