projection conversion from state plane to utm
Gerald I. Evenden
gie at
Tue Jan 25 15:04:00 EST 1994
>To: grassp-list at
>Cc: nsf at, sue at, jeg at
>Subject: projection conversion from state plane to utm
>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 94 11:13:25 -0800
>From: "Kenn Gardels (CEDR-REGIS)" <gardels at>
>We are trying to project a vector file from california state plane, zone iii,
>to UTM. The source location is defined as zone 403, which is a lambert
>conformal conic projection (as defined in etc/projections). v.proj returns
>an error
> major axis, radius = 0, or not spec'ed
> cannot initializa pj
>| Kenn Gardels Tel +01 (510) 642-9205 |
>| CEDR - 390 Wurster Hall Fax +01 (510) 643-5571 |
>| University of California Internet gardels at |
>| Berkeley, CA 94720 Bitnet gardels at UCBCED |
Unfortunately, I do not know what value added material has been applied
to *proj* in the GRASS release, but my last release works just fine with:
proj +init=nad27:403
Admittedly, its not v.proj or whatever, but I do pass it through a
torture test of nearly all the SPCS zones before release. Scripts
for that test are passed on with the distribution.
Gerald (Jerry) I. Evenden Internet: gie at
voice: (508)563-6766 Postal: P.O. Box 1027
fax: (508)457-2310 N.Falmouth, MA 02556-1027
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