Application of GRASS in Mobile and Portable Communication

Oddleiv Tungland oddleiv at
Fri Mar 18 03:51:01 EST 1994


I have read in the Proceedings of the Seventh
Annual GRASS Users Conference about:
"Application of GRASS in Mobile and Portable Communication"

Is this project still going on?  Are the programs
mentioned available bye FTP (d.knifedet ..)

The authors are Chaitanya S. Rajguru and Martin J. 
Feuerstein.  Can they be reached by e-mail?

ODDLEIV TUNGLAND                              phone :  +47 22527419
Pb. 5192 Maj.                                 fax   :  +47 22527001
N-0301 OSLO                                   e-mail:  oddleiv at
Norway                                        packet:  la3gw at la4o     

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