
Dave Berkowitz dave.berkowitz at
Sat Sep 24 01:30:00 EDT 1994


I hope I'm going about this correctly. I have never subscribed to a 
newsgroup in this manner before.  Forgive any errors.

This is a subscription news service dedicated to GIS systems from a 
programmer's viewpoint, right?

I'm a member of the am/fm development team at Commonwealth Edison, a 
very large investor owned utility in northern Illinois.  Our project is 
just getting underway.  We will be using the Smallworld product as the 
basis for our GIS.  As the whole area of GIS is new to me, I'd benefit 
greatly from any insights that might be offered by members of this 
group.  And, as  my skills develop, perhaps I'll also be able to 
contribute ideas.

Again, I apologize if I have gone about this in the wrong manner.

dave.berkowitz at - b#berko at

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