XGRASS/GRASS4.1 display problems

Grass package grass at sun1.bham.ac.uk
Mon Jan 16 07:29:37 EST 1995

Anthony Bizos writes:
> Hi, thanks to all list members for assistance in setting up our grass 
> 4.1 release on our sun ss2200 at WITS university (south africa) 
> unfortunately we still experience problems when attempting to display 
> maps. d.mon allows for monitors to start on the workstations but 
> refuses to select the monitors. We keep getting "problem selecting 
> monitor errors". Has anyone had this problem and sucessfully hacked it
> anthony bizos ( WITS - archaeology )

Could you send us some more details? Eg if you start a monitor successfully
it is already selected, and you should be able to use it. Selecting monitors
with d.mon select= is normally only necessary if you have more than one 
monitor on screen, or if you have exited and re-entered grass while leaving
a monitor on the screen. Post the error messages if you can...

Martijn van Leusen

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