Porting GRASS to X86 and localize to Asian language(Chinese)

Jack Mozzone mozzone at vinny.cecer.army.mil
Mon Jan 16 04:39:49 EST 1995

There is already a port of GRASS4.1 update 3 to x86  i'ts on moon under 
/grass/grass4.1/release/binary/pc for solaris x86 2.1. Let me know
how this works for you or if you need assistance. I could not however compile
XGRASS since SUN does not provide backward compatibility with it's X86 MOTIF 
developmet system. However they may in they'r next release. :O)

Jack Mozzone
USACERL Systems Engineer
Technical Assistance Center
P.O. box 9005 
Champaign, Il 62826
mozzone at vinny.cecer.army.mil

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