Dealing with annoying spams

Mixon, Marlin mcm1303 at
Wed Jun 28 08:00:00 EDT 1995

This list recently got spammed.  I did a little research on combating
this sort of thing, and decided that the best thing to do, if you are
so moved to react, is to send complaints to the postmaster of the 
computer where the spammer operates from.  I just now sent this email to 
postmaster at

Sorry to bother you folks, but there is an annoying commercial spammer
using your services to spread unsolicited advertising on LISTSERV groups.
Their username is: Britestar at  The listserv
group that I have received this on is 
"grassp-list at," which deals with computer mapping
and the spammers are promoting computer products that are unrelated to
mapping.  Thanks for your attention.
I also included the post in its entirety so they could see for themselves
what was being spread without solicitation.

Hopefully, CompuServe will either explain to Britestar that their 
are netabuse and not tolerable or discontinue their service.

Marlin Mixon

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