GIS/C++ Programmers

Norman S Levine levinen at
Thu Apr 11 08:00:00 EDT 1996

I am posting the following for a friend in Chicago. Email responses
to me (levinen at I cannot answer specifics---all email 
will be forwarded to my friend at the company. If email is not ASCII or
HTML, it will be deleted (e.g., no PostScript or MIME--sorry). The 
company is looking for experienced people immediately, but will consider 
May grads if they are an exceptional fit.

    Large company in Chicago suburbs is looking for GIS
    programmers.  Must be proficient in C++ and MS Windows
    programming. Position requires thorough knowledge of OLE
    and working knowledge of MS Visual C++, MS Visual BASIC, MS
    Access, and their integration in 32 bit environments (MS
    Windows 95 and NT). Demonstrated experience with any major
    GIS system (e.g., ARC/INFO, MapInfo, GRASS, Idrisi, etc)
    and/or general knowledge of GIS concepts is strongly
    preferred (such as raster and vector data models,
    cartographic projections and coordinate systems, image
    processing/remote sensing, etc).  Knowledge of Booch,
    Rumbaugh, or other OO methods and CASE tools is a big
    plus.  Experience with scientific programming also a big
    plus. Salary commensurate with experience. Excellent
    Email ASCII or HTML resumes (email only).  In a cover
    letter, please describe how you meet the qualifications
    listed above (be explicit).  Also state salary requirements.

Norman S. Levine                                Purdue University, West Lafayet
te, Indiana
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences    Email: levinen at

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