Wanted: r.in.idrisi module

nszcyrek at fres2.glfc.forestry.ca nszcyrek at fres2.GLFC.Forestry.CA
Thu Jan 18 07:00:00 EST 1996

content-type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
mime-version: 1.0
reply-to: grassp-list at max.cecer.army.mil
newsgroups: info.grass.programmer
originator: daemon at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu

As the subject says, I'm looking for this module, and of course the 
corresponding r.out.idrisi module if it exists.  A colleague of mine 
showed me a Grass beginner's manual (from the U. of Texas?) which listed 
the r.in.idrisi module, so I am reasonably sure it exists.


|  Norm Szcyrek - Systems Analyst/GIS Specialist                          |
|  Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service                      |
|  Forest Resource Economics Section, Sault Sainte Marie, Ontario, Canada |
|  email:  nszcyrek at fres2.glfc.forestry.ca                                |

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