r.le programs

Brett Hoover Brett_Hoover at nbs.gov
Wed Sep 17 08:00:00 EDT 1997

     Has anyone used the r.le programs under Solaris 2.X or Linux.  I have 
     gotten them to compile under both operating systems, but I get core 
     dumps when running the r.le.pixel and r.le.patch programs.  
     I have found a bug in r.le.pixel which fixes one problem, (I'll post 
     the fix at a later date.) but still am having problems with 
     If anyone has these compiled AND working, I would appreciate any help.
     Brett Hoover
     Monitoring Program
     BRD, USGS
     PS.  I am new on the list, so if this topic has been discussed before 
     could someone point me in the right direction.

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