Q: r.in.sdst?

Scott O'Donnell odonnell at fsl.noaa.gov
Mon Apr 27 08:00:00 EDT 1998

Grass Programmer's:

I need to import some of the USGS's large-scale SDST DEMs.  
Before I try to write my own, does anyone have a "r.in.sdst" 
program (like v.in.sdst, but for raster data) that they 
could forward to me?  Or..., care to share any experience 
with them?  Any "gotcha's" that it would be helpful to 
know about, BEFORE I get started?

If you write a procedure                 Scott O'Donnell        
  with 10 parameters,                    odonnell at fsl.noaa.gov
you probably forgot some.                303 497 6562

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