Rich Shepard rshepard at
Mon Mar 2 07:00:00 EST 1998

On Mon, 2 Mar 1998, Roy Sanderson wrote:

> Last autumn there was an email from David Mandel to the grass list about
> the potential for using GRASS on Windows NT machines which had OpenNT.  The
> latter gives Unix capabilities (including the usual shells, X11 etc.) to NT
> machines.  How much work, I wonder, would be involved in porting GRASS to
> OpenNT; presumeably it would be similar to that involved to porting GRASS
> to any 'flavour' of Unix.  As I'm not a skilled programmer, I'm not in a
> position to even estimate the work involved!  My interest arises because
> OpenNT would seem to offer a (relatively cheap) way of running Unix
> applications on MS Windows NT PCs without having to go through a major
> re-writing of code (or rebooting the machines in Linux). At the moment I'm
> testing a 30=day full demonstration of OpenNT from Softway Inc.
> ( which looks very good.  Grass running on OpenNT would
> have the distinct advantage (in theory) over products such as Grassland or
> Blackland Grass in that existing Unix scripts for complex Grass-based
> models could be used with only minor modification.  Has anyone tried using
> Grass with the product, or what are folk's opinion's?


  We're in just the earliest stages of migrating from Microsquish to
Linux, primarily to run GRASS. However, there is a port of GRASS to NT
(and Win95 for the truly masochistic).  It costs US$150.  The Blackland
Experiment Station of the Texas Extention Service ported the code.

  Check out and you'll learn more about it.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc.
2404 SW 22nd Street
Troutdale, OR 97060-1247  USA
Voice: + 503-667-4517  Fax: + 503-667-8863

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