[GRASS5] What is ESRCH?
Roberto FLOR
flor at itc.it
Mon Apr 17 10:50:25 EDT 2000
> Hi developers,
> due to user's request I found the following problem:
> The C-code defines ESRCH in some files:
> src/libes/raster > grep ESRCH *
> io.c: return errno != ESRCH;
> new_io.c: return errno != ESRCH;
> but a few compiler do not know this "ESRCH".
> How can I help/change ESRCH to some value?
> Regards
> Markus
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It's from the system include errno.h,
the error code for No such process.
Under SunOs, Solaris, Linux, Digital Unix it's defined as:
#define ESRCH 3 /* No such process */
It's looks like more a system misconfiguration than a compiler problems.
Roberto Flor E-mail: flor at itc.it
Phone: +39 0461 314 444
I.T.C. - I.R.S.T.
Via Sommariva 2
I38100 Trento - ITALY
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