[GRASS5] grass51

Radim Blazek Radim.Blazek at dhv.cz
Thu Dec 28 05:33:32 EST 2000

Hi all,

some questions, proposals, wishes for grass51 repository:

1) To enable 5.1 development without commiting all source into repository
    (branching is impossible because structure is changed)
    I have written script link:

    Usage: link [options]
    -old=DIR   grass 5.0 source directory (required)
    -new=DIR   grass 5.1 source directory (default is ..)
    -map=FILE  file mapping old directory structure to new
           (default is ./link.conf)

  which creates symbolic links from grass51 local copy to grass50 local copy
  according to definition in link.conf file:
   src/include/*       include
   src/libes/gis       lib/gis

  With such system we could bugfix in grass5 as long as possible (until part of code
  will be changed to grass51)  and also  test new structure easily.
  If no objections I will commit into grass51/tools.

2) Proposal for commiting new directories into grass51 (nothing new):
    (I use names: grass51/1.level dir/2.level dir)
    - only Marcus may add 1.level dirs
    - both 1. and 2. level dirs MUST be discussed before adding into repository

3) Can somebody explain better "New concepts: - the I/O routines should be 
    removed from src/libes/gis...." in documents/new_directory_structure.txt?
    (Frank Warmerdams?)
    Is it necessary to extract non I/O routines from library? In vect32/Vlib we have
    mixed I/O routines with non I/O for example (Vect_read_next_line() and  
    Vect_get_point_in_area()). That would be huge work. 
    How should look like new directory structure? Separated GPL and LGPL libes?

4) Some directory names for discussion before checking in 
    (see documents/new_directory_structure.txt): 
    Marcus, could you check in after discussion?
    -  grass51/include
    -  grass51/lib             ?, see 3)
    -  grass51/display    
    -  grass51/vector
    -  grass51/doc(ument)(s)    
    grass51/base/display,vector  is proposed in new_directory_structure.txt but I thing
    that most important modules should be in 1. level dirs not lower in structure  than 
    less important modules.

5)  Where should be placed v.in.ascii directory (contains both v.in.ascii and v.out.ascii module)? 
     Into  vector, convert, import or export? Probably rename to v.ascii? 
7)  Could somebody who know how to do that write and commit new configure/make system.
     (According to my experience to compile new structure with old system is impossible.)

I am waiting for your comments.




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