[GRASS5] cygwin/windows port

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Tue Dec 19 17:31:39 EST 2000

Hi Malcolm,

thanks for your work on the XDRIVER setup. 
I already started the merge of the ipc and fifo code into one setup that
can be switched on compile time with a compiler flag. This compiler flag
would be set automatically on cygwin/Windows. But unfortunately i fear
that i will have no time to work on this before january. 

I would suggest that you concentrate on the problems with the cygwin ipc
bugs. I must admit that i am not familiar with cygwin, so i can not help
here. And it would be dissapointing if we get the setup to work on the
GRASS's side, but the cygwin ipc setup is buggy. 
I think that the setup with two different libraries will not be needed,
as the merging is simpler.

But the next problem that i see is that we need a wish that works from
cygwin with the X Window system, so that we have a working tcltkgrass. I
already discussed with John and Mike that maybe a newly created
OpenGL/GLUT window will overcome this porting problems. We could use
then the cygwish shell (with modifications to the tcltkgrass code) and
there would be no need to install X11 on WIndows. 

Please let us coordinate our efforts,



Malcolm Blue wrote:
> Hello cygwin users.
> I had some minor success with the XDRIVER running on cygwin/XFree.  I
> was finally able to get a monitor started with d.mon.  Unfortunately, I
> cannot yet select and draw to it, but since the errors were similar to
> those from d.mon start=X#, I should be able to hunt them down.  There
> are bugs in the cygwin IPC sources and libraries.  Once I have made a
> bit more progress I will provide details.
> I have been using the IPC messaging and currently have overwritten the
> connect.c, SWITCHER.c and io.c in the XDRIVER/lib, XDRIVER/XDRIVER24 and
> libes/raster.  Although there have been some discussions of the merits
> of using the IPC messaging since it is not portable, I think we can get
> it to work on cygwin without messing up the existing structure.  For
> example, creating a CYG-XDRIVER and cygrasterlib.a (we can still use the
> sources and object files that don't use fifo).  Or, now that I am
> getting more familiar with IPC (which wasn't my goal when I started) and
> have looked into the use of sockets a bit, I think that there may be a
> couple of avenues to explore.  A few people have expressed interest in
> getting this working so maybe my VERY small success will stimulate some
> new discussions and ideas....
> Any comments or suggestions?
> Malcolm
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Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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