[GRASS5] bug with dl-libs and NVIZ

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Sun Dec 17 14:27:30 EST 2000

Hi all,

just received a bug report:

GRASS:~ > nviz2.2 -q el=hoehen_test
BUG IN DYNAMIC LINKER ld.so: dl-version.c: 210: _dl_check_map_versions:
Assertion 'needed != ((void *)0)' failed!
child process exited abnormally

This happens on the Suse7 platform with their latest tcl/tk updates.
As Suse is widely used, we need a fix... (or a work-around).
Or is it non-GRASS related?

Unfortunately I am not familiar with this dl stuff.

Thanks in advance


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