[GRASS5] [GRASS-bugs] Bugreport GRASS 5

bakerwl at uwyo.edu bakerwl at uwyo.edu
Sat Dec 16 16:21:27 EST 2000

Below is the result of your feedback form.  It was submitted by
 (bakerwl at uwyo.edu) on Saturday, December 16, 2000 at 21:21:27

subject: Bugreport GRASS 5

platform: Linux/Intel

vendor: Mandrake

cputype: Intel (i486, i586, pentium ...)

grassversion: I compiled the sources myself

cvsyesno: no, I got a source code package from the server

source_version: beta10

module: d.rast.edit

bugreport: Not really a bug, just a desirable future feature.  Right now
this only allows editing of integer maps, not float or double.
Would be nice to be able to edit float and double too.

compiler: gcc

name: W.L. Baker


REMOTE_HOST: geogpc1.uwyo.edu

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