[GRASS5] Some Bugs

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Wed Dec 13 03:09:05 EST 2000

On Mon, Dec 11, 2000 at 12:17:34AM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> Okay, So I got around to installing libgeotiff and libgdal, so I could
> try r.in.gdal.  Well, it incorrectly identifies the projection.  I think
> the problem may be related to some of the projection info functions
> since I subsequently discovered all of the files I had been working with
> in a particular dataset have:

Okay, I'll refile this as a bug against r.in.gdal, since after some
futzing around, I couldn't reproduce whatever led up to my losing the
"zone" information. r.in.gdal seems to think this projection is 'll'
with WGS84 ellipsoid, but g.region -p gives:

projection: 1 (UTM)
zone:       10
datum:      nad83
ellipsoid:  GRS80
north:      4287336.36938346
south:      4286992.24959761
west:       702638.44204432
east:       703010.87980807
nsres:      0.39782634
ewres:      0.38876593
rows:       865
cols:       958

While I'm thinking about it; why do we have ellipsoids GRS80/grs80 etc.?
Aren't they the same?  And if so, why does specifying ellipsoid=grs80
and then specifying datum=nad83 generate an error?  If there's some
reason for having both upper and lowercase names for these,
can't we just "alias" the names somehow?

And to be even more of a pest.  Is there something special about UTM?
why should it be handled differently than all the other projections?
Seems we should have:
XY data (unreferenced)
Unprojected (lat/lon)
Projected (projection)

I know there's a hysterical (I mean historical) reason for this, but it
would seem logical to do this.

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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