[GRASS5] GRASS 5beta9 sources published

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Thu Dec 7 04:58:27 EST 2000

On Thu, Dec 07, 2000 at 10:12:31AM +0100, Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Markus
> and everybody:
> 	Congratulations for getting the new beta out!
> 	This is great.
> 	Intevation will starting building GNU/Linux i386 and ppc rpms soon.
> On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 07:02:58PM +0000, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > unfortunately I found a bug in "bindist" target. But it is fixed
> > and retagged.
> > 
> > Find the *new* sources at:
> > > > http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/grass5/source/
> > 
> > or change in Makefile (bindist target) all PREFIX to GISBASE.
> > Only this file was modified.
> Markus:
> Usually you should refrain from chancing the tarball once it has a
> number and is released. Once somebody go it, you need to give another number.
> Therefore, if you find real urgend problems in beta9, just release a
> quick beta10. This seems to be the right thing [tm].

I agree. Again I learned we have to be more careful and need more
beta (pre?) testers - compare my other mail on install script.

GRASS is pretty complex :-)


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