[GRASS5] configure.in Wants testers...

Eric G . Miller egm2 at jps.net
Wed Dec 6 08:00:31 EST 2000

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 06:45:42PM +0700, Justin Hickey wrote:
> Hi eric
> Markus Neteler wrote:
> > concerning the GISBASE:
> > It seems I was confused by my own settings. Please
> > ignore my last mail on this issue.
> But this was a problem for me. I also get the extra grass5 at the end of
> GISBASE So am I correctly interpreting how prefix and GISBASE are
> related? They are the same with my setup. Should I change my setup? I'm
> not sure.

Well, this is the deal.  To get BINDIR from $prefix when no --bindir is
specified, it defaults to ${prefix}/bin.  To get GISBASE from $prefix,
we are making ${prefix}/grass${NAME_VER}.  So if you specify
--prefix=/opt/grass5, you mess up both of these settings (e.g. you get
BINDIR=/opt/grass5/bin and GISBASE=/opt/grass5/grass5).  This is just
how autoconf works.  It's set-up with the idea that $prefix ==
'/usr/local' (on many machines), $bindir = ${prefix}/bin, $libdir =
${prefix}/lib, etc...  Since GRASS is somewhat "special" with it's
binaries, we stow all the GRASS stuff under a common directory known as
GISBASE.  But, everyone wanted not to have to specify --bindir in order to
get the 'grass5', 'gmake5', and 'gmakelinks5' put in a directory that is
in the user's path.  See, there's this interaction that's going on based
on some fundamental concepts of the way autoconf was designed.  So don't
specify the "grass5" part to --prefix and it should do the right thing.
(At least that's how it *should* be working).  If this isn't
a satisfactory design, I give up!

Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

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