[GRASS5] detri license clarified (new hope for geom)

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Tue Dec 5 10:39:31 EST 2000


does this mean that the geom lib must be moved to src.nonGPL?
This would mean that s.geom and v.geom can no longer be used.

I had a very superficial glance at geom and detri, but i can not say how
much work it will be to adapt s.geom and v.geom to this library. 
And i am not able to do that. 

Another option would be to use the gts library
(http://gts.sourceforge.net) for this purpose. But from the mailing list
i conclude that the delaunay triangulation in this library is broken. If
this is fixed it should be comparatively simple to make a s.delaunay,
v.delaunay and s.hull etc. (or a single s.geom and v.geom module resp.)
from this. Don't know how complicated it will be to make the Voronoi
diagram/Thiessen polygons from this (thiessen polygons and delaunay
trinagulation are complementary). 

But i am confused: s.delaunay and s.voronoi are currently in
src.contrib/PURDUE/s.voronoi, but the html-man-page describes another
program of that name from Jo Wood, which i can not find (no bin, no
src). The Program from Jo Wood is able to generate VRML output and works
in 2.5D with elevation scaling. 

The people working on the vector library should decide if we should
include the detri library. As far as i remember the detri library is 3D
and may be faster than gts (where the delaunay triangulation is only
2D). But i am totally clueless, so that i can not recommend anything.



Bernhard Reiter wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> after a couple of weeks of discussion the license and code issues
> of libes/geom code, I have refined the findings saved in
> grass/src/libes/geom/README
> Here is the main part:
> | Ernst is the principal author of detri, which includes lia, sos, basic.
> | The latest detri code is available from:
> |       http://www.geocities.com/mucke/GeomDir/detri.html
> |
> | detri_2.9www.tar.gz now has clarified texts showing
> | that Ernst's part of it (everything except part of basic) is free
> | software!
> Andreas:
> We can go out now and use the detri code for geom if this helps us
> in any way. We have to remove some of the "basic" code as I do not want to
> go through the hassle of contacting Steve Summit.
>         Bernhard
> --
> Professional Service around Free Software                (intevation.net)
> The FreeGIS Project                                         (freegis.org)
> Association for a Free Informational Infrastructure            (ffii.org)
> FSF Europe                                            (www.fsfeurope.org)
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                Part 1.2   Type: application/pgp-signature

Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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