[GRASS5] Another problem on SGI

Justin Hickey jhickey at impact1.hpcc.nectec.or.th
Thu Jul 27 14:32:17 EDT 2000

Hello all

On Jul 27,  1:12pm, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > The file pnm.h does not exist anywhere on SGI, any suggestions?
> this is from the "netpbm-tools":
> ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/graphics/graphics/packages/NetPBM/

Since this is not installed on SGI by default should I comment out the r.in.png
and r.out.png modules from the src/CMD/lists/GRASS file for the binaries?
Otherwise they will probably generate errors if the user tries to use them.

Thanks in advance.


Jazzman (a.k.a. Justin Hickey)  e-mail: jhickey at hpcc.nectec.or.th
High Performance Computing Center
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)
Bangkok, Thailand
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of us who do.  ---Anonymous

Jazz and Trek Rule!!!

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