[GRASS5] cron use for cvs update of grass

John Huddleston huddleston at gpsr.colostate.edu
Wed Jul 26 09:23:31 EDT 2000

Markus, (Cc to Grass)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Markus Neteler <neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de>
To: John Huddleston <huddleston at gpsr.colostate.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2000 2:27 AM
Subject: Re: grass5 build with Cygwin 1.1.2

> Perhaps you could teach me how to set up a 
> "cvs update"
> as a cron-job on Solaris? I can manage on Linux, but Solaris
> just ignores my crontable. Then the manuals etc. could
> update themselves.

#Do a `crontab -l` and it will list your current cron
#entries.  If that fails then you do not have permission.
#If it succeeds and lists something, then create a file
#in $HOME called "cron_update", make it executable,
touch cron_update
chmod 755 cron_update 
#Edit the file and have it do two commands
cd /where-I-keep-my-grass
cvs update -A 
#Exit the file.  The path where-I-keep-my-grass is 
#where on your drive you have the grass checked

#Next get the current cron commands:
crontab -l > cron_go
#Append the line to the file
30 20 * * 1-5 cron_update
#and then type `crontab cron_go`

#If `crontab -l` succeeds but says it is
#empty, then create a new cron_go file
touch cron_go
#Edit cron_go and add the line
30 20 * * 1-5 cron_update

#Exit the file and type the command
crontab cron_go

Type the command `crontab -l`, it should list what
you put into cron_go.  At 20 hours and 30 minutes
every Monday (1) through Friday (5), the commands
in cron_update will execute.  Sunday is 0.

On many systems, cron only uses commands from
/bin and/or /usr/bin.  Make sure that cvs is there or
you will have to explicitly use the full path to it
in the cron_update script.  Linux is OK.  Solaris
probably has cvs in /usr/local/bin unless you have
a nice system administrator.

John Huddleston

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