[GRASS5] ring routines

David D Gray ddgray at armadce.demon.co.uk
Sun Jul 2 13:41:41 EDT 2000

Hi everyone,

If it is agreeable to everyone I would like to make a couple
of minor modifications to the following routines, both in
src/libes/vect32/Vlib/get_area.c :


These read the Map_info structure associated with a level 2
map, ie. one with a dig_plus topology file that has been built
with v.build or v.support. Then the lines associated with an
area or isle respectively are concatenated to a single closed
line. Currently the loop just adds all the points in all
the boundary lines - this results in duplication of the points
at each junction, which I think is not really what is wanted
in most cases, although some routines may expect that for
reasons of their own(?).

I suggest adding a final argument to the functions

Vect_get_area_points( ... , int uniq = 0 )

Existing calls will not be affected, but if this is called with
a non-zero value for the extra argument, boundary points will
not be duplicated (except last = first ).


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