[GRASS5] Re: Help:how to run 3d_module on alpha

Bill Hughes bhughes at grasshoppernet.com
Fri Jun 16 21:19:18 EDT 2000

> d.3d module doesn't run with spearfish database on the
> alphaserver(compaq ds10). 
> The error message is followed:
>    'Floating point exception' 
> and exit module. 

> I think that the module doesn't run because spearfish data is not 64-bit. 

No, the Spearfish data is what it is, we just have to learn to live
with it.  The problem here is that the tests for NULL values in the
data are handled differently on the alpha platform.  The 32-bit way
of setting and testing for NULL is not portable.  (Or, conversely, 
maybe the Alpha is too sensitive to FP exceptions; I guess it depends
on how you look at it.)

In src/libes/gis/null_val.c there are #ifdef-ed sections for DEC_ALPHA. 
I suspect that your compiler doesn't define this, but uses __alpha__ instead.
Compile this library with -DDEC_ALPHA and you will be able to use d.3d.

The quick fix is to change these ifdef-s to use a more general test for
alpha (and I suspect, other 64-bit platforms.)  This will solve the
immediate problem.  The better answer is to work out a definition for
NULL that we can all agree on.  I like the idea of using NaN for this
on all platforms, but I can be persuaded otherwise...

Bill Hughes

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