[GRASS5] v.out.e00 is ready

Michel Wurtz - ENGEES/CEREG mw at engees.u-strasbg.fr
Fri Jun 16 09:26:13 EDT 2000

Dear Markus (and others),

After two long night, I finaly have something that mimics (as far
as I know) the e00 format.  The boring thing was to create the
"universe" polygon beloved by Arc/Info.

I would be glad if some Arc/Info owner can test the output.
I something doesnt work, I will like to have an original e00
file of a simple drawing (2 polygons, on with a hole, and an
external isle) with straigth lines, so it's easy to import and
export and to compare both.

v.out.e00 use the Grass dig_att file for filling the attribute of
the coverage-ID, so if it is linked to an external database via the
attribute, you should get all of them in Arc/Info.

Here is the program, the Gmakefile and the manual page in html.
Michel Wurtz    ENGEES - CEREG
                1, quai Koch - BP 1039, F-67070 STRASBOURG cedex
                Tel: +33  Fax: +33
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