[GRASS5] GPS connectivity

Eric Mitchell emitchell at altaira.com
Thu May 25 11:02:05 EDT 2000

Carl Anderson wrote:
> Eric Mitchell wrote:
> >
> > I've got a garmin connectivity library up and running in Tcl.
> Does your lib support the whole Garmin spectra or just 12/12xl/48/GPS
> II?
> Is it a derivative of GPSMan?, MacGPS?, GPSTrans?

My library follows the Garmin Interface Docs.  As I don't have
a device that implements the Protocol Specification Protocol, I
haven't even tried to code that part of it.  If someone were 
interested in loading me one, I'd be happy to do it, though. =)

On the current data I have in my Garmin GPS12, GPSMan fails to
download all the waypoints, and GPSTrans fails to download all
the routes.  Rather than fix the bugs in their garmin serial
protocol processors (failure to correctly process embedded DLEs
in checksum/length bytes or zero checksum values), I made my own.  
My theory is that the library should be generic enough that you 
say: "get the waypoints" and you get a structure containing 
generic waypoint data.  What you do with it from there is up to you.
This makes it pretty simple to output ascii site and ascii vector
files for grass.  I have much of the functionality of GPSTrans
working in a single script (uploads need some parsing work).

> BTW the eTrex and eMap devices seem to be not yet well documented in the
> GPS Interface Specification (12/6/1999).

Newer Garmin devices support a method by which the data formats
for exchanging information can be queried from the device 
automatically.  Do you know if they support this functionality?

> I am interested.....
> --
> ----------------------------------
> E-Mail: candrsn at mindspring.com

-- ebm
| Eric B. Mitchell         mailto:emitchell at altaira.com |
| tel: (301) 809 - 3534    Altair Aerospace Corporation |
| tel: (800) 7 - ALTAIR    4201 Northview Dr. Suite 410 |
| fax: (301) 805 - 8122    Bowie, MD  20716             |
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