[GRASS5] GPS connectivity

Eric Mitchell emitchell at altaira.com
Wed May 24 13:19:19 EDT 2000

I've got a garmin connectivity library up and running in Tcl.
>From this, it's trivial to construct scripts that download
waypoints and convert them to site files, or download routes
and save them as ascii vector files.  I have the basics of 
this running already, but I'm working out the "distribution"
kinks right now.

Also, a generic base GPS class could be used so that multiple
types of gps units could be supported via specialization.  
Again, all within Tcl (Incr Tcl, to be precise).

Now that I think about it, if I say (for now, at least) that 
it is expected to be installed into a grass directory structure, 
a lot of my distributability concerns go away.  Hmm. maybe I can
have a tarball ready in a night of hacking (probably a week 
calendar time).

Andreas Lange wrote:
> Hi developers,
> i wrote down some ideas for GPS connectivity for GRASS.
> You can get the textfile from
> http://mitglied.tripod.de/AndreasLange/grass/gps/index.html .
> If you have ideas or want to join me an existing project, please
> contatct me. Is there someone already working on this?
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
> Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de, A.C.Lange at GMX.net
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| Eric B. Mitchell         mailto:emitchell at altaira.com |
| tel: (301) 809 - 3534    Altair Aerospace Corporation |
| tel: (800) 7 - ALTAIR    4201 Northview Dr. Suite 410 |
| fax: (301) 805 - 8122    Bowie, MD  20716             |
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