[GRASS5] Draft Programmer's Manual available

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue May 23 10:34:08 EDT 2000

Dear developers,

a first version of the new GRASS 5 Programmer's Manual
is available. 

 - several parts are not merged properly yet
 - layout is partly done
 -> see page 6/7 for status details
 - things could be wrong

400 pages, 1.9MB

I have converted it to Latex, but several chapters are not
ready yet. All available GRASS 5 HTML pages are included
(except src/libes/ogsf library used by NVIZ). Perhaps it
is already interesting for you.

Your comments are welcome, further authors wanted!
As usual it is managed in CVS. Proof-reading is not
possible yet, I shall layout the missing chapters

In case of error, wrong citation, missing authorships etc,
please let me know. If you want to suggest a different structure,
just tell me. You will see that it is based on the 4.x
manual with many additions.

Best wishes

 Markus Neteler

Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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