[GRASS5] Re: bug in configure routine

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Thu Nov 23 09:08:58 EST 2000

Hi Eric,

i am not an autoconf expert, but i gained some expirience in
hand-crafting the header files for IRIX and the cygwin setup.

Should i send you the header.* files so that you can see which
setups/paths work?



Eric G . Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2000 at 02:51:39PM +0700, Justin Hickey wrote:
> > Hi Eric
> >
> > "Eric G . Miller" wrote:
> > > o Auto test/search and *confirm* TIFF library support (after
> > >   --with-tiff, is processed but before AC_SUBST()).
> > > o Auto test/search and *confirm* TCL/TK (like tiff stuff)
> > > o Need all of Mesa/OpenGL.
> > > o Need all of PostgreSQL.
> > > o Need ODBC/iODBC.
> > > o Need DLLLIB (empty except for CygWin ?)
> > > o Others ???
> >
> > How about
> >
> > o XDRLIB empty for SGI machines
> SGI doesn't have XDRLIB? It's required for encoding rasters.  Anyway, if
> no special linking is needed for this, then $(XDRLIB) should evaluate to
> an empty string.  Currently I have it set for the three -lsun, -lnsl,
> and -lrpclib (if they exist).  Otherwise it now should come up empty.

I watched this too on IRIX. But i think that if there is a library of
that name (libsun? libnsl??, can't remember) the inclusion would not
There are many messages in the form "libxyz not used to resolve any
Does that mean that the library is linked into the binary even if it is
not used to resolve anything? That would bloat the executable.

> > o Test for jpeg library
> Okay, it's on TODO list.
> > o Test for png library
> > Also, is there a way to get configure to search in directories unique to
> > systems? For example on SGI the png and jpeg libraries are not installed
> > by default but can be easily installed under a directory called
> > /usr/freeware from their website. Is there a way to tell configure to
> > search /usr/freeware if the machine is an SGI? Or do we need to provide
> > an option to indicate which directory to search?

On IRIX there seems to be a difference if you use MIPS PRO native SGI
compiler or gcc. Using gcc i have always the problem that the libraries
are found in lib, but in lib the library is in the old format, whilst
gcc compiles in the new (n32 ABI) format. So the library search path
must be lib32 (/usr/lib32, /usr/local/lib32, /usr/freeware/lib32). If
you have a 64bit machine and compile in the new 64bit mode, you'll find
the libraries in lib64, but i expect this not to work without heavy code

> The "common" search directories can be looked for.  There's also the
> --with-includes and --with-libs directives.  I wasn't aware of this
> /usr/freeware separation with SGI.
> > Thanks alot for taking up the configure mess. I'm sure all of us
> > "configure brain dead" people greatly appreciate it. I know I do.
> Well, I wouldn't say I'm not "configure brain dead" as well.  Just
> learning on the "job".  If any experienced "configure" people want to
> stand up, the help would be appreciated ;)
> --
> Eric G. Miller <egm2 at jps.net>

Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange at GMX.net

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