[GRASS5] color VIOLET, listcolors

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Tue Nov 21 14:25:31 EST 2000

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 05:57:29PM +0100, Andreas Lange wrote:
> Hi,
> in src/include/colors.h and some other places in the code the color
> #define VIOLET 7 is used. 
> This was used with the show.color.sh script until i removed violet from
> there because it is not included in the list of available colors
> (defined in src/include/colors.h). 
> The X window driver has still a definition for violet and removes this
> color from the list of available display colors (so that if you draw a
> vector polygon over a raster it is always visible).
> Is there any reason for not using violet?
No idea.... Maybe an undocumented bug?
> I'd like to check in a module 'g.listcolors' or 'd.listcolors' that
> returns a separated list of available colors for use in scripts. 
> Although i hesitate to add just another module, i think that there must
> be a method to get the list of colors as hard-coding this into scripts
> or tcltkgrass is bad practice.
> Please tell me if there are objections and if the module should be named
> g.listcolors or d.listcolors.

Perhaps g.colorslist and d.colorslist would be better as the more
important word comes first (so not to confuse with g.list).
Just a suggestion.


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