[GRASS5] grass user interface description

Jan-Oliver Wagner jan at intevation.de
Tue Oct 31 16:43:55 EST 2000

Dear GRASS developers,

I have updated the parser to escape &, < and >.
I also added the Python GUI builder and the
document type definition in src/gui/python
and src/gui.

For those who have python, wxPython and
python-xml installed, please feel free to test
the gui and report any comment, bug etc.

Current limitations:

A few GRASS commands do not use G_parser(),
some output addtional usage information on their
own. Furthermore, the short description is
currently missing, because it is not incorporated
in the commands. Interactive-only commands
(e.g. i.composite) don't work either.

tcltkgrass and xml user interface description:

In principle, it is quite simple to make tcltkgrass
use the xml-based user interface description as well
and thus
(1) get rid of the module descriptions and
(2) update the tcltkgrass user interface.
First, a simple structure for the short description
needs to be added for the parser and second,
(just some work :-) all commands need to define their
short description.
Finally, before the tcl evaluation of the currently
used tcl list structure, the corresponding command
must be called with --interface-description and
the output parsed into the currently used list structure.



Jan-Oliver Wagner               http://intevation.de/~jan/

Intevation GmbH	              	     http://intevation.de/
FreeGIS	                               http://freegis.org/

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