[GRASS5] contribution to GRASS programming

Matthias Schulz schulz_matthias at gmx.de
Sun Oct 1 14:26:32 EDT 2000

Hi all,

I would like to contribute to GRASS programming and hope some help is
desired. Any programming language is welcome although my experience is
limited to C/C++, Perl and some Java and Bash scripting concerning those
languages which seem to be relevant, but I always like to learn
something new. I have the todo and bugs lists in front of me and would
appreciate, if someone could tell me, what is most important at the
moment and isn't worked on by someone already. By the way, if there is a
'(Being worked on by)' on the todo list without a name, does this also
mean, that there is someone working on it, or only those tasks where a
name is given? For the beginning it would be nice to have something
which is good for getting comfortable with GRASS programming. Perhaps
there is also someone whom I could ask and who could give me some help
to get started?

Thanks a lot,


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