[GRASS5] Summary: Proposal for improved GRASS init/import support

Frank Warmerdam warmerda at home.com
Mon Sep 25 10:08:13 EDT 2000

Markus Neteler wrote:
>  (3) Import data from file/cdrom... (using Frank Warmerdams GDAL import
>        module and others) and define location on-the-fly from data
>        settings
> As (1) and (2) are generally nothing new (except the new graphical
> layout), (3) would be very welcome. Here a general change in GRASS
> import modules (raster, vector and sites) would be required. Like
> commercial GIS software GRASS should be capable of defining a location
> while importing external data *without* additional user input.
> Technically it's possible in my opinion. The import module would
> read the projection/coordinates parameters from the spatial data file,
> generate the DEFAULT_WIND and other files (look into "testgrass.sh" how
> this can be done by script), create the location and import the data.
> Especially for new users this is much more convenient.


I do have a version of r.in.gdal now working that includes an optional
location parameter.  If provided it will initialize a new location on
the basis of the extents, projection and units of the dataset being
read.  However, this only works with GDAL supported datasets, so it 
isn't entirely general. 

However, current r.in.gdal uses G_gisinit() like most other commands, 
and so it can't be initialized without a valid existing database, 
location and mapset.  It also current assumes the new location is
being created within an existing database. 

> Another related improvement in import modules should be the
> automated enlargment of the default location, if data are imported
> which don't fit into current settings. Now it's a hassle to
> modify the DEFAULT_WIND file manually (why do we use computers?).
> As the import modules have to read the coordinates etc., they could
> also modify the DEFAULT_WIND if not sufficient.

Perhaps g.region could have an additional option to extend the current
region bounds based on a scan of all raster, and vector extents in the
mapset (or location)? 

Best regards,

I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerda at home.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://members.home.com/warmerda
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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