[GRASS5] Summary: Proposal for improved GRASS init/import support

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Sep 25 06:47:52 EDT 2000

Hi all,

although we shall concentrate on GRASS 5 stable, it will
be a good idea to discuss future perspectives (GRASS 5.1dev).
>From recent mails and personal discussion with Justin during
my Bangkok visit, I want to summarize a few issues here.

The GRASS init concept needs to be updated, Justin is already
heavily working on that. For those not knowing too much about
the ideas yet, I want to explain them here (and add a few further

When (new) users start GRASS, they will be surprised that no
"empty" session will come up. Immediately they either have to define 
a location (here the first problems for newbies will arise) or
select an existing session.

I could already peek at the new session manager developed by 
Justin (idea from XGRASS) which is looking very promising.
It allows graphical selection of existing sessions. Additionally
a graphical location definition window is on the way.
By introducing the new session manager, locations can be changed
without leaving GRASS.
The "old" script style will be kept, of course.

My proposal is to add a "zero mode" (do you have a better name for
this?) where GRASS starts up with a logo, but without any
session. This is common behaviour of other (commercial) GIS
software and usually expected by users.

Now a menu would appear with following items:

 (1) Open existing session (using Justins forthcoming session manager)
 (2) Define new location (using Justins forthcoming definition manager)
 (3) Import data from file/cdrom... (using Frank Warmerdams GDAL import 
       module and others) and define location on-the-fly from data

As (1) and (2) are generally nothing new (except the new graphical
layout), (3) would be very welcome. Here a general change in GRASS
import modules (raster, vector and sites) would be required. Like
commercial GIS software GRASS should be capable of defining a location
while importing external data *without* additional user input. 
Technically it's possible in my opinion. The import module would 
read the projection/coordinates parameters from the spatial data file, 
generate the DEFAULT_WIND and other files (look into "testgrass.sh" how 
this can be done by script), create the location and import the data.
Especially for new users this is much more convenient.

As Justin is writing the new "init" concept in an open way, other
GUIs like "GTK" or whatever can be added lated.

Another related improvement in import modules should be the 
automated enlargment of the default location, if data are imported
which don't fit into current settings. Now it's a hassle to
modify the DEFAULT_WIND file manually (why do we use computers?).
As the import modules have to read the coordinates etc., they could
also modify the DEFAULT_WIND if not sufficient.

Hoping for a positive response (as most of it is almost done by Justin)


Dipl.-Geogr. Markus Neteler *  University of Hannover
Institute of Physical Geography and Landscape Ecology
Schneiderberg 50 * D-30167 Hannover * Germany
Tel: ++49-(0)511-762-4494  Fax: -3984

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