[GRASS5] A request for control

Lisa Zygo Lisa_Zygo at baylor.edu
Wed Sep 20 12:26:29 EDT 2000

Markus Neteler wrote:

> Well, to be clear here: Bruce Byars did not participate in GRASS 5
> development from Oct 1999 onwards (GPL release). We did not receive and
> source code from Baylor since that time (except some HTML pages).
> To confirm please read the NEWS archive:
> http://freegis.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/~checkout~/grass/NEWS.html
> and ChangeLog (CVS):
> http://www.geog.uni-hannover.de/grass/grass5/source/ChangeLog
> At least "ChangeLog" is definitive objective as being generated by
> the CVS itself.
> I am not shure how Baylor is involved in GRASs 5 development. There is
> a rumor about a new GUI, but it is not published yet.
> I do not want to start a flame war here, just clarify some points.
> Maybe the board of people to decide things should be more than one
> person.
> Just my 0.02 Euro here.
> Kind regards
>  Markus Neteler
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I fully support that you have been and continue to head up the GRASS 5
development.  However, I just wanted to clarify that a lot of the work being done
at Baylor is in the user support area.  We answer tons of e-mails from the user
community about how to set up and use GRASS when they come across problems and how
to accomplish the various tasks they wish to do.  GRASS is definitely a worthy
team project, and the user community is anxiously anticipating a stable release of


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