[GRASS5] Algorithm i.rectify[2] ?

Angus Carr acarr at iname.com
Wed Apr 25 11:21:04 EDT 2001

It is nearest neighbour only.

I looked into this at some past point, around version 4.1/4.2, I think.
I doubt anyone has changed it.


Markus Neteler wrote:
> Hi again,
> a colleague of mine wanted to know how pixel values are treated
> in i.rectify[2]. Is it a nearest neighbour algorithm or does it
> calculate an average of neighboured pixels if they fall into one
> resulting cell? To be honest, I don't understand this from the
> sources.
> Once we know a note should be added into the related html pages
> (of course I can do that).
> Thanks for any help,
>  Markus
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