[GRASS5] Volunteer wanted for CELL driver color problem

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Wed Apr 18 10:46:13 EDT 2001

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 10:42:38AM -0300, Bob Covill wrote:
> Markus Neteler wrote:
> > 
> > Bob, Eric,
> > 
> > On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 10:23:18AM -0300, Bob Covill wrote:
> > > Markus,
> > >
> > > It has been a long time since I have used the CELL driver, but I decided
> > > to take a look at it for investigating the color problem.
> > >
> > > Unfortunately I got off to a bad start. When I execute d.mon start=CELL
> > > I get the following error maessage:
> > >
> > > Usage:  CELL [-] "input_fifo output_fifo"
> > > No socket to connect to for monitor <CELL>.
> > > Problem selecting CELL. Will try once more
> > > No socket to connect to for monitor <CELL>.
> > > ----------
> > >
> > > The CELL driver has been built and installed.
> > >
> > > Any idea why it will not start, socket / fifo problem ??
> > 
> > This is strange:
> > 
> > GRASS:~ > d.mon CELL
> > Graphics driver [CELL] started
> > Wait for 'READY'
> > GRASS:~ > d.mon stop=CELL
> > Monitor 'CELL' terminated
> > 
> > GRASS:~ > d.mon start=CELL
> > Can't bind to socket for monitor <CELL>. Already in use?
> > Socket is already in use or not accepting connections.
> > Use d.mon to select a monitor
> > Problem selecting CELL. Will try once more
> > Socket is already in use or not accepting connections.
> > Use d.mon to select a monitor
> > 
> > Obviously the start= parameter confuses d.mon. Without it works.
> > Maybe again the timing story?
> > 
> >  Markus
> > 
> > ----------------------------------------
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> Markus,
> I tried ...
> d.mon CELL
> and got the same error message. 

Well, trying this a second time it fails again.

> The error you reported above does sound like the timing issue. Try ...
> d.mon -s start=CELL
> followed by ...
> d.mon select=CELL
> to see if that helps.

d.mon -s start=CELL   
Can't bind to socket for monitor <CELL>. Already in use?
GRASS:~ > d.mon select=CELL     
Socket is already in use or not accepting connections.
Use d.mon to select a monitor


> The error that I am getting is on my Solaris machine. I try my Linux
> machine a little later and see if the same problem exists there, trying
> to start the CELL driver.

Bob, did you try the code piece from Eric recently posted on this channel?
I'll try that if it helps here.


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