[GRASS5] Files for subpackages

Markus Neteler neteler at geog.uni-hannover.de
Mon Apr 9 08:39:32 EDT 2001

On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 01:48:19PM +0200, Silke Reimer wrote:
> Hi Markus,
> many thanks for your answer. But I still have some questions (see
> below). 
> On Fri, Apr 06, 2001 at 04:26:42PM +0100, Markus Neteler wrote:
> > Hi Silke,
> > 
> > On Tue, Apr 03, 2001 at 02:09:32PM +0200, Silke Reimer wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hello everybody!
> > > 
> > > The last days I tried to build a RPM-package of Grass5. The aim was
> > > to have three subpackages with respectivly NVIZ, postgreSQL and the
> > > ODBC part of GRASS. When I wanted to specify the files of these
> > > subpackages I was a little bit confused. I'd like to explain why:
> > > 
> > > Concerning the installed files it doesn't make any difference if
> > > NVIZ or ODBC are included. Otherwise I think that at least the
> > > ODBC-driver or nvwish should be installed as they are build by
> > > gmake5.
> > > 
> > > Can somebody explain me this effect?
> > actually I don't see the problem... What is the idea of separation?
> > 
> > Generally: The basic package should have NVIZ compiled *without*
> > PostgreSQL support, an additional NVIZ package *with* PostgreSQL support
> > would be fine (to overwrite the other version). The ODBC doesn't hurt
> > at all (I think so).
> > 
> > Does this help?
> Not really. Our idea was to have one subpackage with those parts of
> grass which use OpenGL (which is NVIZ), another one for PostgreSQL
> and a third one for ODBC. As I understand you a subpackage for NVIZ  is
> not possible/desired. Why not? In my opinion it shouldn't be a
> problem because NVIZ is build separatly by gmake5 and linked to
> grass5 afterwards.
Mhhh: I have written:
> > Generally: The basic package should have NVIZ compiled *without*
> > PostgreSQL support, an additional NVIZ package *with* PostgreSQL support
> > would be fine (to overwrite the other version). The ODBC doesn't hurt
> > at all (I think so).

this are two packages. The difference is: I would package NVIZ separately
from GRASS to save space. As far as I understand you want to or three full
GRASS packages. That's also possible... :-)

> Second: Can you give me the reason why the ODBC doesn't hurt at all? 
ODBC is not supported in NVIZ. The other modules which support ODBC
and other DBMS should always go into GRASS. So it doesn't hurt if it
is always included.

> My initial problem still exists. I think I should explain it again
> because my first explanation wasn't really precise. The problem is
> that the list of files before the building and installation of NVIZ
> doesn't differ to that afterwards. I solved the problem by looking
> for those files which are build by gmake5 in the NVIZ-directory
> and the NVIZ-documentation files. But I still think that it is curios
> that a difference doesn't exist.

Perhaps we should phone? Maybe that's easier...



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