[GRASS5] Re: [winGRASS] newbie question: XFree86 and GRASS

Andreas Lange Andreas.Lange at Rhein-Main.de
Mon Dec 10 03:04:28 EST 2001

Hi Mike, Hi Alex,

i am short of time right now, but i write to confirm that grass works
for me with the latest cygwin distribution (on W2K). But i am using
GRASS from the command line and with the StarNet XWin32 XServer. 

If there is demand i can re-build GRASS with X and upload. 

The problem you mention is very strange and i have no clue what it could
be. I think the best bet would be to wait for a new build and re-install

Please check that you did install with the supplied installation script
"grass5install.sh". Please refer to the installation instruction:
The instruction is not completely in line with the recent changes in
cygwin and XFree86 for cygwin. 



Alex Thorn wrote:
> OK.  I just subscribed to GRASSLIST.  It doesn't look
> like the address is the same as the one that you cced
> this to, so I'm not sure whether I will get messages
> from that list or be able to send to it.

Andreas Lange, 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany, Tel. +49 611 807850
url: http://mitglied.tripod.de/AndreasLange
mail: Andreas.Lange_at_Rhein-Main.de - A.C.Lange_at_GMX.net

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